Narture is a natural therapy clinic located in Spearwood, Western Australia specialising in the following services:
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been practices for thousands of years. Acupuncture can be used for serious medical conditions and it can also be used to help relax a person and it can help maintain good health. Acupuncture treats the body as a whole and offers a better solution to ongoing health issues.
A massage is an ancient form of healing the body mind and soul, massage can help improve your circulation, lymphatic drainage, massage relieves cramps and knotted muscles. It also helps relax your nerves. During a normal day, many modern activities such as driving and working behind a desk can stiffen muscles if these muscles are not de-stressed then other more serious problems can occur.
Naturopath is a holistic approach to wellness and the body, mind, and spirit are treated and not just the symptoms that present themselves.
Herbal Medicine
We maintain a stock of herbal medicines, deficiency in minerals is a well-known cause of sickness. We discuss and established the symptoms you are suffering from and find a healthy balance for your body. Herbal medicines will help replenish wellbeing in your body.
Iridology is based on the study of your Eyes. From this examination, it is possible to determine what you may be suffering from. After such a diagnosis the path to finding a cure can then be taken.
Reiki aims to help the quality of your life. It treats the whole person including the body, emotions the mind, and spirit. Reiki is a simple, natural, and safe method of energetic healing and self-improvement.
Here are some useful places in the Spearwood and its surroundings. Always consult your GP if you have any health issues or before undertaking any of the natural therapies mentioned above.
We recommend that you consult with your GP before embarking on one of our treatments, modern medicine in conjunction with traditional medical treatment are like to get a good health outcome as not only are symptoms treated but also the underlying issues.
East Fremantle Medical Centre
12 Silas St, East Fremantle, WA 6158
08 9339 4116
Bibra Lake Medical Centre
Parkway Rd, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Port Coogee Family Practice
6 Calypso Parade, North Coogee WA 6163
Hamilton Hill Medical Centre
Providing High Quality, Affordable Medical Care.
Shop 13 / 1 Simms Road, Hamilton Hill WA 6163