Acupuncture Clinic Coogee

Acupuncture Clinic Bibra Lake

Acupuncture Cockburn

Telephone Number: 0467 342 223

Acupuncture can help relieve the following conditions.


1) Stress 

This is a typical modern-day condition caused by the pressure of work and family. Narture offers a realistically, affordable option to help relieve stress.

2) Back pain

Suffering from back pain pinched nerves in your back, we can help you find effective relief from the pain.

3) Neck pain

Often caused by the same conditions that cause back pain.

4) Hip pain

Caused by lack of exercise or physical work.

5) Anxiety and depression

These conditions can be effectively treated with Acupuncture.

6) Stop Smoking

Many people have used Acupuncture as an aid to stop smoking.

7) Fertility

Women use Acupuncture to help with fertility issues.

8) Food cravings overweight

This condition can be managed effectively by using Acupuncture and Acupuncture can be used as a useful additional treatment when dealing with weight loss.

Acupuncture Clinic Coogee Acupuncture Clinic Bibra Lake we are near you.

If you live in these suburbs, please give us a call, we are here to help you:

Bibra Lake South Lake Cockburn Hamilton Hill Spearwood

Before undertaking a course of treatment with us, please ensure you have consulted with your regular GP. This is really important if you have underlying health issues like High Blood Pressure and Diabetes.

Acupuncture Clinic Coogee Acupuncture Clinic Bibra Lake. There is free parking at our clinic — Call 0467 342 223 to make an appointment and start living well.

Feel free to have an informal discussion before visiting us over the phone. We are here to help you and heal you.

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